2 photos

Helo everyone, today i want to share 2 photos that represent very happy moments of my life in very differents years. It took me lot to choose just two photos, but i think i made a very good choice. In this photo I think I am around 10 years old, I was at a dance gala next to my dance academy called "Academia Marisol Rojas", this academy was characterized by doing contemporary dance, and the truth is that I loved it. I spent many years dancing, I had to leave it to focus more on my studies, but the truth is that I love dancing and I remember those years with great affection, for the people and places I met thanks to dancing. In this photo I was 18 years old, it was in 2022 on my study tour, we went to Bariloche as a grade. It was a wonderful and super entertaining trip, I would repeat it a thousand times. In the photo I was at a well-known viewpoint in Argentina, where you could see the entire sea and the mountains in the back, it was really magical to be up there. The ...